What was the south called during the civil war what was the south when they split from the union
What was the south called during the civil war what was the south when they split from the union

what was the south called during the civil war what was the south when they split from the union

Abraham Lincoln’s election in November 1860 was the final straw, and within three months seven southern states-South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas-had seceded from the United States. After the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case (1857) confirmed the legality of slavery in the territories, the abolitionist John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry in 1859 convinced more and more southerners that their northern neighbors were bent on the destruction of the “peculiar institution” that sustained them. Pro- and anti-slavery forces struggled violently in “ Bleeding Kansas,” while opposition to the act in the North led to the formation of the Republican Party, a new political entity based on the principle of opposing slavery’s extension into the western territories.

what was the south called during the civil war what was the south when they split from the union

Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which essentially opened all new territories to slavery by asserting the rule of popular sovereignty over congressional edict. His arm was amputated, and he died from pneumonia eight days later. At Chancellorsville, Jackson was shot by one of his own men, who mistook him for Union cavalry. Growing abolitionist sentiment in the North after the 1830s and northern opposition to slavery’s extension into the new western territories led many southerners to fear that the existence of slavery in America-and thus the backbone of their economy-was in danger.ĭid you know? Confederate General Thomas Jonathan Jackson earned his famous nickname, "Stonewall," from his steadfast defensive efforts in the First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas).

What was the south called during the civil war what was the south when they split from the union